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Hear a message from Imagine Academy Founder, Chip Franks

Acton Imagine
Temple/Belton, TX.

Helping Kindergarten to 12th grade children to find their calling and change the world.

"Our daughter loves learning at Acton. She can’t wait to share her day the moment she jumps into the car. I’m so grateful to see a love for learning come back into her eyes."

Welcome to the Education Revolution.

If you’ve ever thought that chaining your child to a desk and force-feeding them facts for 7-8 hours a day isn’t the best way to create the best human being possible…

Then you might be an Acton Imagine Family.

Our school is a learner-driven, Socratic-based environment where our Imagineers use interactive technology to learn core skills at their own pace. They engage in real-world projects to show mastery of what they’ve learned. As they grow, they will also embark on apprenticeships with real businesses and job opportunities. Rather than guessing what career they might like as they enter college and the workforce, our Imagineers will know what they are called to do.

Whereas almost every other school teaches to know facts, Imagine Academy Guides help our students learn to DO, learn to BE, and learn to LEARN.

We help them fall in love with learning and tailor a learning plan that will equip them to find their calling and change the world--and it’s not just lip-service — we take this duty very seriously and you’ll see that when you meet us.

How are we different than Standardized Schools?

Traditional Standard Schools:

  • Seek to standardize behavior and thought.
  • Based on a factory model where one-size-fits-all, bells dictate behavior, and obedience is emphasized.
  • Children are stuck at desks for 7+ hours a day for the passive learning of facts to regurgitate on tests.
  • The teacher is the sole authority and decides what is right and wrong for each child.
  • 120+-year-old system designed by a government bureaucracy deciding what our children learn and when.
  • Every child is forced to move at the speed of the class, regardless of whether they’ve already learned the subject matter or failed to master the principles.
  • Crowd control tactics are used as there is usually one teacher and many students.
  • Often arbitrary grades and tests on facts are used to measure success.
  • Little time or thought is given for character, kindness, or gratitude.

Imagine Academy:

  • Seek to create free-thinking, interdependence according to each Imagineer’s unique genius.
  • Learner-driven, where everything is designed to help the children find their unique calling so that they can change the world.
  • Children are free to move, collaborate, indulge their curiosity and creativity, and interact with what they are learning and show mastery by demonstrating in exhibitions of learning.
  • Our young people learn to solve their own problems and learn to govern themselves.
  • School is a Hero’s Journey with fellow travelers, Guides, adventure, and challenges worthy of each individual learner.
  • Each child moves as fast as they’d like and has the time to master each principle before moving on to the next. challenges
  • Young people govern themselves with agreed-upon contracts for behavior, effort, and excellence.
  • Young people learn grit and persistence through effort and show mastery through hard-won badges.
  • Kindness, gratitude, character, and service to others are baked into the DNA of everything that we do.

Imagine Academy’s Promises to Your Child:

  • They will begin a Hero’s Journey in their life.
  • They will learn to be a proactive, curious, interdependent, lifelong learner, and free thinker.
  • They will develop a deep appreciation for economic, religious, political and personal freedoms.
  • They will discover their most precious gifts and use them to solve difficult problems and create a life on their terms.
  • They will become a person of unusual kindness, deep gratitude, and extraordinary character.

We Believe:

  • We believe each life is sacred.
  • We believe every child is a genius and has the ability to change the world with their special gifts.
  • We believe children deserve to learn in a way that that is unique as they are.
  • We believe in economic, religious, political, and personal freedom.
  • We believe in questioning the norms.
  • We believe in doing what works.
  • We believe in learning to LEARN, learning to DO, and learning to BE.

Imagine Academy Founder and Naveen Jain, (founder of several successful companies including Moon Express, Viome and InfoSpace) who helped sparked the idea and name for Imagine Academy.

Cultivating Divergent Thinkers


Daily Idea Lists

Armed with pen and paper, this will be like brainstorming on steroids.


Gratitude sessions

We will train in gratefulness and encourage daily reflection.

Experience how Acton is transforming education in this independent, award-winning documentary.

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Watch the video.

We believe clear thinking leads to good decisions,
good decisions lead to the right habits,
the right habits lead to character,
and character becomes destiny.

The Four Pillars of our Learning Design


A Learner-Driven Community.

Serious commitments; genuine relationships; authentic accountability.


Powerful Interactive Technology.

Self-paced learning for Reading, Writing and Math.


The Socratic Method.

Critical thinking skills and forging character.


Real-World Quests and Apprenticeships.

Hands-on learning for 21st Century skills.

Our Philosopy of Learning

We believe that learning to learn, learning to do, and learning to be are far more important than learning to know.

Learn to Do

What skills do you need to change the world? At Acton, every day we're standing in the shoes of doctors, designers, presidents, and builders, learning the skills and tools that heroes have mastered. We call it a Quest.

Learn to Learn

The world is changing fast. The skills of tomorrow aren't the skills of today. Take with you a DIY toolbox of curiosity, grit, trial-and-error, joy, and perseverance. You've confronted new things before. You can learn anything.

Learn to Be

No other accomplishment matters unless you've built a life you're proud of. Have you become a good person? What relationships have you nurtured? What habits have become part of your character?

"When you grow up you tend to get told that the world is the way it is and your life is just to live your life inside the world. Try not to bash into the walls too much. Try to have a nice family life, have fun, save a little money.

That's a very limited life. Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you. And you can change it, you can influence it…

Once you learn that, you'll never be the same again."

Find out if Imagine Academy is the right fit for your family:

Hi, I'm Chip Franks. 👋

I'm the Founder at Imagine Academy

I'd love to hear from you. Schedule a call below:

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